Vibrant But Not Showing It

It appears from your responses that you see your inner self as fairly vibrant, but the life you are currently living doesn’t reflect the way that you feel inside.

There were a few things that you included that indicated that there are areas in your life where you don’t feel genuine, like you are living unauthentically. Let’s talk about it.

Are You Tired of Putting on A Front?

The way that you have survived your life so far is by being everything for everyone else. The good mother, the good wife, the good employee. You’ve done the right things - and followed the rules and now, later in your life - you wonder… When do I get to make my own choices? When will I finally get to be good for me?

It's clear that you desperately crave a more authentic path and are tired of having to suppress your own desires to accommodate others. The way to get there, is to do the self-work now, and unveil who it is behind the curtain when all of the perfection and facading is no longer necessary.

Let Go Of Whatever No Longer Serves You!

Were you raised in a strict religion?
Have you followed conservative rules and social norms to blend in?
Have you said yes , when you wanted to say no?
Are you frequently bored by the routines, patterns and repetitive conversations that make up your day to day life?

The key to a more vibrant and sincere existence for you is going to be to let go of the things that you believe to be “correct” and to embrace a future with open possibility. You’ll feel so much more free and true to you, once you have eliminated some of the pressures and stresses that have kept you feeling - secretly - suppressed.


In order to achieve the free and vibrant life that you desire you are going to need to surrender some of the control that you’ve had on EVERYTHING for so long. Good-bye perfectionism. Good-bye “good girl”. Stop walking with the crowd and find your own rhythm. You’ll feel like the weight of the world has been lifted off of your shoulders - at last.

Introducing Diva Over Fifty For Women Who Want To Live Vibrantly Now and Long Into The Future!

Diva Over Fifty is my signature program designed specifically for women who are 50 years of age or more who wish to create radical and sustainable transformation in their lives.

Supported by three pillars of longevity: mindfulness, and beauty - I help my clients rediscover who they are, become who they want to be while being embraced, connected and supported throughout the entire process.


Although we do introduce aspects of healthy-living, exercise, and holistic wellness into the mix this program is not about losing weight. ( At least not physical weight *wink* ) Instead, we focus on releasing the weight of self-judgement, self-sabotage, and fear to live better, in a state of acceptance, self-forgiveness and self-care.


The number one benefit of Diva Over Fifty is that you are not in it alone.

Go on a journey to vibrant living with other women, in the same age group as you, who are also working on themselves and growing together.

In addition to the program itself, you will be matched with an accountability companion as you work through the course and be embraced into a private membership community of past Diva Over Fifty alumni who act as mentors to our new members.

What do you say? Are you ready to step into your next Vibrant Chapter?

Why not get to know us better? Join our FREE support community for women over fifty?