Diva App Monthly Membership

For the women over 50 that need a fitness and lifestyle program that encompasses all aspects of healthy mind, body and spirit.

This is for you if…

There never seems to be enough time.

You feel overwhelmed.

You feel defeated.


Vision becomes reality.

1. Sign up - You’ll get access to the Diva Over 50 Membership training and resources + priority event and retreat updates.

2. Get excited - Your “Becoming Ageless” plan will help you get results no matter where you are starting out.

3. The Reveal! - Look and feel ageless.

You have accomplished so much in your life. Now isn’t the time to feel defeated when it comes to health and fitness.

This is what the program looks like on the inside:

Efficient Workouts

  • Monthly Workouts delivered via my subscription app with videos

  • Effective workouts designed & customized for you

  • A variety of plans

  • updated every month


  • Monthly Zoom Calls

  • Program Questions

  • Modification Discussions

  • Access to Facebook Community

The Diva Money Membership is Simple, Smart & Safe. Together let’s feel healthy, supported and ageless!


I believe women over 50 can choose to be ageless.

You deserve to have a healthy, joyous and balanced life through wellness that is specific to your needs & goals!

Over 50? Me too. I’m over 50 and loving it!!

Here’s my secret: 

I have an insider advantage in the wellness industry. I’ve been a personal trainer and health advocate for over 38 years. 

I’ve helped hundreds of women over 50 to transform from unfit and discouraged to fit, centered and empowered.


You can do it!

Access tools that allow you to do what you can, no matter where you start that include:

Fitness, Nutrition, Yoga Meditation and Joy.

You have this vision:

You walk with strength and grace.

You love what you see as you pass storefront windows.

You have the energy for more activities.

Take more adventures with your family and friends.

A customized virtual monthly program - like a personal trainer, cheerleader, & accountabilibuddy in your pocket…



What is the time commitment?

It doesn’t take hours a day to achieve longevity & beauty... you choose how much you want to do.

What equipment/devices will I need?

Each month the fitness plans will offer in home plans that require no equipment or gym options. During our group zoom calls we discuss modifications to make the plan fit you.

How much does the Monthly Membership program cost?

The “Diva Monthly Membership” is $99 each month. You can cancel at anytime.

What do women have to say about working with me?

You can read my “Kindness Notes”