Heart Health In Women
What’s special about women?
Women are twice as likely to die if they have a heart attack, than a man
Women’s heart attacks are often missed/misdiagnosed
Disproportionate of heart attacks happen at 9 am Monday morning
Many women don't recognize or believe they are having a heart attack
Heart attacks present differently in women:
Neck, jaw or arm pain (or no pain)
Panicky or uneasy feeling
Shortness of breath
General discomfort or tightness in chest
Any of the above, exacerbated by exertion or stress
Why are heart attacks more deadly in women?
Women have smaller blood vessels with thinner walls (fragile)
Emergency room staff and medical professionals often miss the diagnosis due to unusual/mild symptoms
Women, often too busy to go to the doctor, may endure pain/discomfort in silence.
Heart Disease Prevention
Advise patients to quit smoking
Keep patient adjusted
Recommend regular physical activity
Monitor/control blood pressure cholesterol
Manage stress effectively-yoga, relaxation techniques, biofeedback, exercise.
Heart Disease and Nutrition
Mediterranean Diet-Shown to lower risk of heart attack (More fruit, veggies, grains, less animal fat/red meat, more fish, etc.)
Whole bran foods-Oats, Wheat bran etc. (increase fiber intake)
Lower sodium intake
Vitamin E, other antioxidants, selenium
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