Diva Over Fifty

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Our Minds & Finding Happiness

In the race to find what we think will bring us joy, we’re actually might be hurting our chances at getting there! 

According to a study, you know how I love studies, of 5,000 people studied by 2 psychologists of Harvard University.. adults spend only about 50% of their time in the present moment.

Basically, we are mentally checked out half the time!! More importantly, they found when they are in the PRESENT moment... they are also the HAPPIEST..no matter what they were doing. In other words, even if you’re are engaging in an activity you usually find unpleasant, you are happier when you are 100% consumed in that activity.. than when you are thinking about something else while doing so.

The take away... by being present, you enter a state of FLOW that is highly productive and you end up making people around you feel understood and supported. 

Hence, you will have good relationships, which are one of the biggest predictors of success and happiness. 

A few activities that allow you to settle your mind:

  1. Bring your mind to the present... when you start to notice your mind is going toward a future task... nudge it back the present. Try reorienting your attention fully on what’s going on in front of you. Like a sport, it takes practice. 

  2. Take a technology fast. Take a half-day or whole day on a technology fast, that means no screen time. None. Ideally in nature. Let your mind rest and relax. You can learn how to relax your mind... the quality of your life and work depends and it 

  3. Try your best to be consciously present. Practice being present with your activities. Take time to watch the sunset, pet your dog or do your errands without texting,, talking on the phone or occupying   Yourself with planning at the same time.

  4. Try meditation. There are many different forms. Find one that is right for you. If you are not drawn to meditation as a way of calming down and centering yourself, there are many other activities...such like Yoga(I love Hot Yoga), yoga-based breathing exercises, tai chi, walking quietly in nature.. all these can help  settle your mind, your thoughts, your emotions and desires so you can become grounded in the PRESENT. 

  5. Focus on your breath. When you find your mind wondering, take a deep breath in; as you breath out, let go of your thoughts and bring your attention to the present. Another great one is breath counting. Simply count each breath you take, and when you reach 10, start over. Research shows that it increases your ability to pay attention and stay in the present. 

  6. Truly experience pleasure. My favorite!! When you feel pleasure, close your eyes and be 100% present with pleasure. Whether it’s emotional (as love) or sensual (food, touch or sound).... savor the experience completely. For example, Instead of reading while you eat, savor your food. Research shows that learning to bask in your pleasurable experiences helps extend the feelings. I do this especially when I treat myself to a dessert... I’ve found that it makes the cravings for sweets less. Try some of these activities!

These activities not only settles your mind, emotions and desires... it will help you become grounded in the present. Essential to living agelessly. 

Want to feel supported while learning more about mindfulness and how it can easily fit this in your life? Receive relatable coaching and efficient tools you need to make a lasting joyous change!! Get knowledge, support, smart simple practices while becoming one other’s teachers.

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