What is BMI? Does it really predict your health?

You’ve probably heard of BMI before, maybe from fitness gurus or at a doctor’s office. But what is it? And does it really predict how healthy we are?


Body mass index (BMI) is a health evaluation tool created to estimate a person’s body fat and risk of poor health. It’s a formula that divides our weight in pounds by our height in inches squared and multiplies that number by 703. This number is compared to a BMI scale as pictured below. We’ll take a look at a 6'2, 200-pound man. Using the equation, he would have a BMI of 26.


In our example, the man's BMI would fall into the overweight category. Research shows a higher risk of chronic disease as BMI rises above the “normal” range. Moreover, a BMI below 18.5 is also associated with poor health outcomes. Although healthcare professionals can sort of gauge our health based on our weight, BMI fails to recognize other health factors.

Our age, gender, fat mass, muscle mass, race, genetics, and medical history are not taken into account when looking at BMI! So if our 200-pound, 6’2 man was a bodybuilder, he definitely wouldn’t be overweight. In reality, he would have a high muscle mass and a very low fat mass. This shows how BMI doesn't take special populations like athletes or growing children and adolescents into account.


The creator of BMI, Lambert Adolphe Jacques Quetelet, intended for the tool to give a quick view of a population's overall health. So, it was not originally intended to measure health factors or concerns in individuals Despite this, many individuals today use BMI to measure their health.


The bottom line is, BMI can be a helpful starting point, but it shouldn’t be the only tool for measuring your health. You know your body better than anyone else, and that counts for a lot more than a number on a chart. Eat healthy things that make you feel nourished and happy. Move your body every day. And make time for sleep and things that you enjoy!!


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