4 Reasons You Should Start Strength Training

If there was an activity that could improve your heart health, bone health, balance, and chronic disease management, all while making you look and feel amazing, would you try it? 

For most people I know, the answer would be a definite yes! Even though it sounds too good to be true, there is a type of exercise that can do it all. And no, it doesn't require you to spend hours at the gym or exert high intensity. So, what is this miracle exercise?


Strength training.

Strength training is a physical activity that exercises a specific muscle or muscle group against external resistance. This resistance could be anything. You could use dumbbells, weight machines, or even your own bodyweight!

Around the age of 30, most adults lose about half a pound of muscle per year (1). Our muscle loss is due to less physical exertion compared to when we're younger. In conjunction with muscle loss, our metabolism slows as well. This mix is a formula for weight gain and the health problems that follow it.

But fear not! Regular strength training helps prevent this loss of lean muscle as well as many other health benefits. Below are 4 reasons why we should include strength training in our lives as we age.

1) You'll improve your bone health and lean muscle mass

Strength exercises help to preserve or build muscle mass and strength (2). Both of which are crucial for bone, joint, and muscle health as we age. This will reduce our risk of fractures from osteoporosis, a bone disease that causes bone frailty and bone loss.

2) You develop balance and reduce your risk of falling

Researchers split participants over the age of 65 who had a high risk of falling into two groups. The intervention group did strength exercises at least once a week, while the control group did none. The trial found that "Within the 12-month trial period, the rate of falls in the intervention group was 40% lower than that of the control group". (3)


3) You'll better manage chronic disease pain

According to Mayo Clinic, regular exercise may help us manage symptoms of illnesses such as diabetes, asthma, arthritis, cancer, back pain, and dementia (4)

4) You'll enhance your cardiovascular health

Running, swimming, and hiking aren't the only activities that improve heart health. Strengthening activities are another way to get in your cardio and improve your blood pressure. The CDC recommends incorporating 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise 5 days a week to reduce your risk of hypertension and lower the risk of heart disease (5)

The benefits of muscle-strengthening exercises will keep our bodies strong, healthy, and resilient as we age. I hope that this post inspires you to give it a try!


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